Use "partisan|partisans" in a sentence

1. Partisans, thank God!

2. To partisans, these figures are irreconcilable.

3. Seventeenth Partisan Regiment.

4. We are Chetniks... not stinking Partisans.

5. These damn farmers are all partisans anyway.

6. British newspapers are highly partisan.

7. Most newspapers are politically partisan.

8. Lastly, the Annalist is a partisan

9. Reinhard Heydrich had been assassinated by Czech partisans in 1942.

10. Naturally, partisan politics plays a role here.

11. Newspapers can and do express partisan preferences.

12. 3 words related to Balletomane: enthusiast, partizan, partisan

13. Partisan allegiances have no place among us.

14. This is no time for partisan politics.

15. Rules is loud, powerful and highly partisan.

16. Yeah, them Partisans are gonna think they've been invaded by Zulus.

17. During World War II, the city was one of the centres of partisans.

18. And it's up to you to deliver them safely to the Partisans.

19. Partisan fighters fought in secret against the enemy.

20. They were abetted by a partisan police force.

21. Shall I strike at it with my partisan?

22. The partisans lay up by day and by night sallied out to attack convoys.

23. The Zionist Activists Who Collaborated With Nazis, and Were Executed by Jewish Partisans

24. The nation has to be placed above partisan impulses.

25. Partisan groups turned on one another with savage hatred.

26. David Souter, George's boy, was not George W's partisan.

27. He is clearly too partisan to be a referee.

28. The Comradely scholar is committed, fierce, and resolutely partisan

29. After shelling by the partisans is the connection to a Courier aircraft aborted.

30. Some leading partisans of the former shōgun were imprisoned, but narrowly escaped execution.

31. Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old,

32. Pas un Communismen face hiumaine, comnme 1'avancent ses partisans, a poursuivi M

33. Citizens with clubs. ] 1 ClTIZEN Clubs, bills, and partisans! strike! beat them down!

34. His partisans have introduced piles of pork that smack of the Suharto era.

35. Commissioned in 1920 to the Red Army, he fought against the Ukrainian peasant partisans of Nestor Makhno.

36. Some common synonyms of Adherent are disciple, follower, and partisan

37. I make no apology or make no bones about being partisan.

38. 6 synonyms for Activist: militant, partisan, organizer, warrior, militant, Activistic

39. Our organization has always been non-violent and non-partisan.

40. In addition, Brigands could also be partisans of a lost cause who refused to

41. And made Verona's ancient citizensCast by their grave, Beseeming ornaments,To wield old partisans

42. In Cyprus, he fought the partisans of Antigonus, and re-conquered the island (313).

43. Bipartisan is a word that has its roots in the word partisan. Bipartisan is a two part word composed of the prefix ‘bi’ and the word ‘partisan

44. 34 synonyms for Adherent: supporter, fan, advocate, follower, admirer, partisan, disciple

45. The Foreign Relations Committee is split along partisan lines over Mr.

46. 34 synonyms for Admirer: fan, supporter, follower, enthusiast, partisan, disciple, buff, protagonist

47. It stopped a prime minister Arrogating the crown for partisan ends

48. A large number of civilians were killed in the crossfire or died fighting as partisans.

49. A Bitterly partisan public discourse also developed in 18th-century England

50. He defected to the Soviet Union to escape the Japanese conquest of the partisans in 1940.

51. Synonyms for Benefactresses include friends, patrons, backers, supporters, benefactors, adherents, partisans, advocates, advocators and apostles

52. The Gingrich investigation lasted two years and was marked by extraordinary partisan wrangling.

53. His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential.

54. By 1945, the Partisans were clearing out Axis forces and liberating the remaining parts of occupied territory.

55. 34 synonyms for Adherent: supporter, fan, advocate, follower, admirer, partisan, disciple, protagonist

56. Maintaining absolute impartiality and refraining from taking up partisan and political positions;

57. As well, access laws support a professional, ethical and non-partisan public service.

58. Wishful thinking made political partisans more optimistic about their own party's prospects and more inclined to forecast their opponents' defeat.

59. To wield old partisans in hands as old, Cankered with peace, to part your Cankered hate

60. Bipartisanship does not preclude differences and partisan advantage but should, as much as possible, secure general agreement on a course of action before it becomes the victim of partisan squabbling

61. Here are some ground rules for social justice comedy: first off, it's not partisan.

62. You must listen to both points of view and try not to be partisan.

63. Synonyms: militant, partisan, organizer, warrior More Synonyms of Activist COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

64. However, Partisan reports estimate that German losses were significantly larger than their own.

65. The partisan jockeying illustrates the difficulties inherent in investigations into campaign fund raising.

66. The audience was very partisan, and refused to listen to the her speech.

67. Even within areas of consensus, there are key points of roiling partisan controversy.

68. This was a genuine popular uprising on the part of the deceived partisans of the Khomeini revolution.

69. "Cast by their grave Beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old, Canker'd with peace, to part your canker'd hate." Well, to start with, it will help you to know that a "partisan" back then was an ancient weapon that looked like a triple blade on a long pole.

70. The portrait of a member of the Partisans Armés, who carried out assassination attempts and killed Nasi collaborators.

71. From a Basely partisan viewpoint, the player's injury is good news for England

72. Speaker, this government thinks it can use taxpayers' money to advance its partisan views

73. Follower, Adherent, disciple, partisan mean one who gives full loyalty and support to another

74. From a Basely partisan viewpoint, the player's injury is good news for England

75. The arguments which thus preoccupied the Standing Committee divided along predictably partisan lines.

76. Most of its partisans had focused mainly on military actions, neglecting political efforts necessary to mobilize mass support.

77. (adverb) There he continued the struggle for his side in a humorous work, in which the partisans of the council are Amusingly …

78. Apparently partisan house cleaning and patronage pay-offs are considered routine at the Corporation Commission.

79. He said that "subjecting the judiciary to partisan politics is a betrayal of democracy."

80. Synonyms for Chela include disciple, follower, adherent, partisan, votary, supporter, acolyte, convert, pupil and devotee